Dermatoglyphics technique in brief: analysis. Dermatoglyphics (from ancient Greek derma = skin, glyph = carving) is the scientific study of fingerprints
DMI Test will reveal 8 Multiple Intelligences following about your child.
The theory of Multiple Intelligences was developed in 1983 by Dr. Howard Gardner, professor of education at Harvard University.
According to Gardner “Every student possess different kind of mind and therefore learn, remember, perform, and understand in different ways”.
- Visual-Spatial Intelligence
- Verbal Linguistic Intelligence
- Intrapersonal Intelligence
- Logical Mathematical Intelligence
- Naturalistic Intelligence
- Inter Personal Intelligence
- Bodily Kinaesthetic Intelligence
- Musical Rhythmic Intelligence

Abacus is an instrument which has beads that slide on rods. It can be used to count, add, subtract, multiply and more. It was invented some 2500 years ago primarily in China, which later on spread through countries like Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia etc. It was used in the ancient times for calculating numbers through basic arithmetic system. It has now been proven as a complete brain development tool over last two decades.
Abacus became popular over the world after being transformed from a calculating instrument into a system having immense power to benefit children of small ages by expanding the brain usage, in addition to making maths learning easy and effective.

What is Midbrain Activation?
Midbrain is the part of brain which has got special command over both hemisphere of brain located highest side of brain stream. By activating or stimulating midbrain we get some balance between right and left brain which enable child to live balance life with great sensory enhancement resulting to superb concentration, speedy reading and photogenic memory.
- Improved Memory Power
- Enhanced Concentration Power
- More articulate thinking style and sharper mind
- Stress Management during Revision and Homework
- Objective Making & Goal Setting
- Self-Motivation Techniques (Optimism)
- Metaphorical Thinking & Power of Visualization
- Balancing the use of Conscious & Sub-Conscious Mind